




バッテリ充電仕様 rev.1.2   2011年10月12日


簡単にまとめると、USB充電器はUSBのデータ端子(D+  D-)を短絡すること、5V出力で、1000mAの電流容量のあることが求められている。

 マイクロUSBを有するノキアやサムスンなどの携帯電話では、Micro USBケーブルのPIN2と3ピンをブリッジする必要があります。

USBデータ線D+(緑)とD-(白) を短絡します。

Micro-usb and charging problems

Recently, USB charging system became an official USB standard.

We can get the information shown bellow.


Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 October 12, 2011


 But, the information of this is complicated,

We can summarize that  the USB charger is expected to shorten the USB data lines D+ and D-, and the charger capacity of 5V and of the current of >1000mA.
 It is neccesary that pin2 and pin3 of the Micro USB cable is bridged together for most Nokia and Samsung phones with the micro-usb.

One of examples is shown bellow. The usb extended cable is modified to shorten the USB data lines D+ (Green) and D- (White),

In Japanese, マイクロUSB 充電できない.


Operation Experience in England (13 June. 2010)

In Japan, my helpless NOKIA E61 was revived again, in UK.
WEB access is 30 pence per day.
We incredibly surprised at the cost and the easy system in comparison with that of Japan..

We bought the Virgin 'You Pay As You Go joining pack' at the shop in Tokyo.
Then I charged 10 pounds on the WEB.

The web site and the evidence are shown bellow.


Unlimited web access for just 30p a day,
20p per min flat rate for UK network or landline calls.





My NOKIA cell phone, E61, N73 with GPS module and cradle point

I am using the NOKIA cell phones, E61, N73 with GPS module and cradle point (Mobile Router).
About four years passed since I bought.

I sometimes go to Eu, Zurich, Germany, UK.
NOKIA maps and GPS unit are very usefull for driving along the road, autobahn.
This photo shows the map near Frankfurt am Mein Airport..

In Japan, these cell phones are excluded by high communication charge and inconvienient applications.

But, The Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications decided to recommend the communication manufacturers with SIM lock free for cell phone, 3 days ago.
In the near future, it is forecast that a smart phone becomes a main current.
The stocks of the Softbank company fell for 100 Yen. Moreover, the fall is continued today.
Fell down, 2350 to 2250 Yen.

Operation Experience in Germany (30 Sep. 2009)

We bought the prepaid SIM card  at Vodafone D2 Gmbh shop KOELN south of the cathedral, asking the staff make my E61 effective in Germany. It costed 19.90 EUR, including 10 EUR(0.29 EUR/min.)
The result was very good. I made a phone call to one of my friends in Munich, and confirmed the hotel reservation..


MOD : 32GB SSD module on my X1 instead of HDD

I have the DELL Latitude X1 with 2GB DDR2 memory since 2005.
This one is light and small.
Further more,it's tough, I once dropped down on the floor,
but no damage.

I installed the 32GB SSD module on my X1 instead of HDD.

The SSD module is KingSpec KSD-CF18.1-032MJ that is available
in the ebay, etc. I obtained from the ebay store with almost 140 US dollars.

This modification made my X1 extremely quiet because it has no fans,
and speed up especially on reading data.

I will still use this X1 for a few years.


Topics, JAL (Japan Airlines) Corruption

 The management of Japan Airlines (JALcorrupted this week. This caused my stock certificates to wastepapers. I was a stockholder of Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways (ANA) . I sufferes a financial loss from Japan Airlines, and downsides of the stock prices of All Nippon Airways. We are very gloomy against the Airlines administration of Japan (including the government).


S meter information of TS-680 (in Japan), TS140, TS-140 (other contries)

 Now, I'm preparing the report that I already tried to get  S meter information  of TS-680 (in Japan), TS140, TS-140 (other contries) about 1.5 years ago. This system is consist of the A/D converter and another serial interface. It was difficult because of very low current of S-meter. The insulated and differetiol DC-Amprifier was needed.